Harish Anand

I am a senior software engineer at Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). I'm excited about building software involving machine learning and 3D computer graphics.

I did my master's at Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University , where I was advised by Dr. Jnaneshwar Das. I did my bachelor's at the Govt. Model Engineering College, Cochin.

I come from a small town in Kerala named Tripunithura, but nowadays, I hang out in San Diego, United States.

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profile photo
fast-texture The OpenUAV Swarm Simulation Testbed: a Collaborative Design Studio for Field Robotics
Harish Anand, Stephen A. Rees, Ashwin Jose, Sarah Bearman, Zhiang Chen, Prasad Antervedi, Jnaneshwar Das
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2021
Project page | Video | Paper (arxiv)

OpenUAV is an open-source, easy-to-use, web-based, and reproducible simulation software system that enables students and researchers to run photorealistic robotic simulations on the cloud.

Docker, Nginx, Unity3D, Gazebo, ROS, PX4 autopilot

fast-texture Coordinated Navigation and Localization of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Using an Autonomous Surface Vehicle in the OpenUAV Simulation Framework
Harish Anand
Masters thesis, Arizona State University, 2020
Paper | Video

Implemented a photorealistic simulation environment with an underwater vehicle following a boat and evaluated various fiducial markers in this environment.

fast-texture Geomorphological Analysis Using Unpiloted Aircraft Systems, Structure from Motion, and Deep Learning
Zhiang Chen, Tyler R. Scott, Sarah Bearman, Harish Anand, Devin Keating, Chelsea Scott, J Ramon Arrowsmith, Jnaneshwar Das
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020
project page

A deep learning and structure from motion (SfM) based geomorphological analysis on aerial imagery to estimate spatial distributions of rock traits along a tectonic fault scarp.

fast-texture RayTracingWeekend.jl

A Julia implementation of Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing in One Weekend book series. The code is a direct translation of the C++ code in the book. The code is not optimized for performance but has all the features implemented in Julia.

fast-texture Instance segmentation of coral reef species using MaskRCNN

Created Google Colab notebooks for training and inferencing MaskRCNN (PyTorch) deep learning model over coral reef species dataset. The species segmentation has mean average precision of 0.749 and one (coral) vs all segmentation has 0.390.

Code and dataset are private. Please contact, if you are interested.
fast-texture Lunar Crater segmentation at 1-2 meter resolution
GitHub (dataset and MaskRCNN code) | Wiki

Implemented MaskRCNN instance segmentation on lunar and Mars images as a baseline. Released 60k crater annotation of LROC NAC Moon and CTX Mars image.

fast-texture DeepGIS, a georeferenced raster image annotation and inference software
Wiki | GitHub

Actively used for annotating lunar craters, Mars craters, deep sea fish, desert hypolith and coral reef species.

fast-texture Camera pose estimation using least squares method
GitHub (coursework)

Given instrinsic parameters and 3D points in a (world) coordinate frame, find the pose of the camera in the world coordinate frame using Gauss Newton method.

rbccps Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems (RBCCPS)
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Project Assistant (City Data Exchange)
Aug 2017 - May 2018
Advisor: Dr. Arun Babu

City Data Exchange (CDX) is a high performance, scalable and secure open source IOT platform deployed in docker. It is a comprehensive software solution stack comprising various microservices for enabling seamless data exchange between data producers and consumers.
GitHub (project)
rbccps Google Summer of Code 2016
Fedora Project
Apr 2016 - Aug 2016
Mentors: Dominik Perpeet, Peter Volpe

Selected for Google Summer of Code 2016, where my proposal was among the top 15% of the worldwide submissions accepted in the event.
Developed a web interface for creation, inspection, modification, and deletion of systemd timers in Fedora's Cockpit-Project console.
GitHub wiki with pull requests and issues | Blog
Other Activities
sese Teaching Assistant, SES 130 Coding for Exploration 2019

Thanks to Jon Barron for his website template. Please do take a look at that page, it's really cool with lots of NeRF videos!